At present we are working on projects in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Please see the map on the bottom of this page where we are now and the best way to contact us.
At present we are working on projects in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Please see the map on the bottom of this page where we are now and the best way to contact us.

Fetters AeroSpace Company was founded Mr. Dennis Fetters in 2009 as a Research and Development company for the designing, prototyping and testing of specialized rotary-aircraft systems. Over the past years Fetters AeroSpace has become specialist at the designing and building of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) rotorcraft and successfully provided operational vehicles to a number of Companies overseas. Mr. Fetters offers his services and contacts through Fetters AeroSpace as a freelance design engineer of rotorcraft vehicles to other companies and customers throughout the world. With experience backing up the progress, you will be surprised just how affordable a project can be. Most of the cost of a new aircraft project comes from inexperience and not knowing the problems to avoid. Fetters AeroSpace has that extensive education, and we can bring any project to reality far faster and more affordable than if you go it alone!
If your Company or Organization has the need for a specifically designed UAV rotorcraft, please contact us with your requirements. As needed, Fetters AeroSpace can call on many talented people accumulated over Mr. Fetters long 30 year career in the designing and manufacturing of over 1,700 rotorcraft as required to finish any project. In this manner Fetters AeroSpace is able to offer a unique service to its clients that enables them to have the full service capabilities of a large internal designing team to complete the project, but without the need to hire expensive design engineers on a full-time bases.
Fetters AeroSpace will also design UAV aircraft as they see would best fit specific markets and then offer the design and manufacturing rights to other companies, as well as travel to those companies to help in the development of those vehicles from final design and factory setup and training, through to successful field deployment of the product.
If your Company or Organization has the need for a specifically designed UAV rotorcraft, please contact us with your requirements. As needed, Fetters AeroSpace can call on many talented people accumulated over Mr. Fetters long 30 year career in the designing and manufacturing of over 1,700 rotorcraft as required to finish any project. In this manner Fetters AeroSpace is able to offer a unique service to its clients that enables them to have the full service capabilities of a large internal designing team to complete the project, but without the need to hire expensive design engineers on a full-time bases.
Fetters AeroSpace will also design UAV aircraft as they see would best fit specific markets and then offer the design and manufacturing rights to other companies, as well as travel to those companies to help in the development of those vehicles from final design and factory setup and training, through to successful field deployment of the product.

Greetings! I'm the little web-page maintenance guy.
Please forgive us if you catch us working on our website, because we are always doing or adding something. But for your convenience we will keep it open while we work! As we work, new things will be added, deleted, misspelled or just moved around until we get it to the way we like it! In the meantime, please browse around as you please.
Thanks for stopping by!
Please forgive us if you catch us working on our website, because we are always doing or adding something. But for your convenience we will keep it open while we work! As we work, new things will be added, deleted, misspelled or just moved around until we get it to the way we like it! In the meantime, please browse around as you please.
Thanks for stopping by!

The Builder Of Flying Machines Creed;
The door of gravity had seemed shut to mankind, and yet unbeknown until only a century ago, a window to the sky had been always left open to us. God didn’t give us wings, but instead endowed us a mind so we can think, learn and reason. He also endowed us with curiosity, and the desire to explore and expand. But, for a few of us, God gave something very special - a gift of eyes that could see a ladder reaching through an open window into the sky, and with that give us the realization that to climb it we could only do so without defying the laws of nature, which meant using earthly materials with fire and force as the tools to build the means. Always there, always waiting, and always ready, the same laws of nature that trapped us here for so long would turn out to be our means of escape, our ladder out - skywards.
We proudly carry the privilege and great satisfaction to possess the skills and experience to develop and build flying machines, and the joy it brings to use our minds to conceive a new concept, and being able to master the use of fire and force; to bend, form, and fuse metals and other materials to the will of our hands and needs. We feel a sense of pride when we see the results standing before us, when a short time ago it was only a thought in our minds. There is exhilaration after commanding it to breathe for the first time, and then see it come to life. And finally the greatest moment of all, after our skills as a builder turns to our skills as flyers, and we become one with the functions of the machine - then and only then, together conquer the sky.
The oldest dream has come true. We live in the age of flight, where man has broken his bonds of earthy existence. We have seen the earth from above, and will never be satisfied without reaching to go higher, faster, and farther... So, onward we will forever persist, for we are the builders of flying machines.
By Dennis L. Fetters;
The door of gravity had seemed shut to mankind, and yet unbeknown until only a century ago, a window to the sky had been always left open to us. God didn’t give us wings, but instead endowed us a mind so we can think, learn and reason. He also endowed us with curiosity, and the desire to explore and expand. But, for a few of us, God gave something very special - a gift of eyes that could see a ladder reaching through an open window into the sky, and with that give us the realization that to climb it we could only do so without defying the laws of nature, which meant using earthly materials with fire and force as the tools to build the means. Always there, always waiting, and always ready, the same laws of nature that trapped us here for so long would turn out to be our means of escape, our ladder out - skywards.
We proudly carry the privilege and great satisfaction to possess the skills and experience to develop and build flying machines, and the joy it brings to use our minds to conceive a new concept, and being able to master the use of fire and force; to bend, form, and fuse metals and other materials to the will of our hands and needs. We feel a sense of pride when we see the results standing before us, when a short time ago it was only a thought in our minds. There is exhilaration after commanding it to breathe for the first time, and then see it come to life. And finally the greatest moment of all, after our skills as a builder turns to our skills as flyers, and we become one with the functions of the machine - then and only then, together conquer the sky.
The oldest dream has come true. We live in the age of flight, where man has broken his bonds of earthy existence. We have seen the earth from above, and will never be satisfied without reaching to go higher, faster, and farther... So, onward we will forever persist, for we are the builders of flying machines.
By Dennis L. Fetters;
At the present time, we are working on fulfilling contractual obligations at the location designated below. Due to the time differences, we may not be available to answer our office phone located in the USA. Our US Phone Number should still ring through to our location, depending on the hour of night or if we are between destinations. Please try calling during the business hours at where we are presently located. If we cannot answer due to technical reasons, please leave a message and a callback number and we will return your call as soon as possible. It is normally better to just send us an email when we are out of country.
At the present time, we are working on fulfilling contractual obligations at the location designated below. Due to the time differences, we may not be available to answer our office phone located in the USA. Our US Phone Number should still ring through to our location, depending on the hour of night or if we are between destinations. Please try calling during the business hours at where we are presently located. If we cannot answer due to technical reasons, please leave a message and a callback number and we will return your call as soon as possible. It is normally better to just send us an email when we are out of country.